| 7 Days to Die | 7daystodie | |
Game: 7 Days to DieThumbnail:  |
| ARK: Survival Evolved | ark:survivalevolved | |
Game: ARK: Survival EvolvedThumbnail:  |
| Age of Empires 2 | aoe2 | |
Game: Age of Empires 2Thumbnail:  |
| Age of Empires 4 | ageofempires4 | |
Game: Age of Empires 4Thumbnail:  Team Game | 4 | ✅ | Custom 1v1 | 2 | ❌ | FFA | 8 | ❌ |
| Albion Online | albiononline | |
Game: Albion OnlineThumbnail:  |
| Among Us | amongus | |
Game: Among UsThumbnail:  |
| Apex Legends | apexlegends | |
Game: Apex LegendsThumbnail:  Duo | 2 | ❌ | Limited Time Modes | 3 | ❌ | Standard | 3 | ✅ | Ranked | 3 | ❌ |
| Arena Breakout | arenabreakout | |
Game: Arena BreakoutThumbnail:  Valley | 4 | ❌ | Armory | 4 | ❌ | Farmland | 4 | ✅ | Northbridge | 4 | ❌ |
| Armored Warfare | aw | |
Game: Armored WarfareThumbnail:  Heroics | 5 | ❌ | Ranked Battles | 15 | ❌ | Global Operations | 3 | ❌ | Special Operations | 5 | ❌ | PVP | 3 | ❌ | PVE | 5 | ✅ |
| Astroneer | astroneer | |
Game: AstroneerThumbnail:  |